writing WIRED “Inside the Telegram Groups Doxing Women for Their Facebook Posts.” Teen Vogue“We Need to Think About Trauma in Treating Autoimmune Disorders.” New Scientist “Media portrayals peddle a dangerous fiction about substance misuse.” Stylist “I THOUGHT THEY WERE USING ME BUT I WAS USING MEN ALL ALONG.” Huck “Inside the uplifting world of Death Cafes.” The Mail On Sunday “Addicts being charged huge sums for private rehabilitation services they do not need, expert warns.” The Independent “Women are binge drinking more than ever – and advertising is making it worse.” The Independent “Britain has an addiction crisis – is 12-step recovery the answer?” Broadview “what’s missing in the way we treat eating disorders.” Polyester “Fetishisation, Fallacies, and Unattainable Fantasies: The World is Failing Female Addicts.”